January 28th 2006
Mini All Day T-Hunt

Hiders: Jim N6JF and Ken KG6TES

There was only 1 hidden transmitter.  The location of the transmitter was 1.5 miles west of IBEX pass on highway 127 (approximately 48 miles north of Baker).
Thanks for all who participated in the hunt.
Ken Erickson (KG6TES)
Jim Ford (N6JF)


Name and Calls                   Mileage
Doug  (WA6RJN)                   236.5 miles
Don   (KF6GQ) and Steve (KD6LAJ) 236.7 miles
Scott (N6MI)                     267.5 miles
Deryl (N6AIN)                    340.5 miles
Paul  (WB6HPW)Peter, Elizabeth   unofficial
Bob   (WB6JPI)                   DNF

Jippy's Story
Doug's Story